
Figures guide

All figure operations are done with the create_figure method.

The figure is first created with plotly, and then according to settings or the show parameter of the method, either:

The figure is shown (opened in the default browser).

The figure is exported to html type (only plotly) to local filesystem.

The figure is exported to image type (also needs kaleido) to local filesystem.

The figure is exported and shown.


  • every figure related operation requires plotly (version >= 5.14.0)

  • exportation to image (not html) also requires kaleido (version >= 0.2.1)

To show the figure either provide "figure" -> {"show": True} in settings before calling problem.create_figure() (show parameter wont affect anything), or even totally omitting settings call problem.create_figure(show=True) will do the job. If plotly requirement isn’t met, a SettingsError will be raised.

To export one must provide according settings in "figure" -> "export" key. If plotly and kaleido requirements aren’t met, a SettingsError will be raised.

The decision for not including plotly and kaleido as dependencies was made for minizing the library’s dependencies and also for providing the freedom of the user to implement his own figures utilizing the problem.solution attribute which is available after solving.

Here is an example of a figure with plotly. "i_0", "i_1", … are the items’ ids.

All the settings for the figure are provided in the "figure" key of the settings parameter.

Omit "figure" key for no figure export operations (still able to create and see it with plotly).


If a solution hasn’t been found yet, a Can't create figure if a solution hasn't been found warning message will be logged, when create_figure is called.

Show figure

After solving has finished, calling

>>> problem.create_figure()

will open the figure in the system’s default browser in html format, if settings -> figure -> {"show" : True}.

If the settings "show" key isn’t given, the below method call will do the trick.

>>> problem.create_figure(show=True)

The settings "show" value has precedence over the create_figure’s show parameter.

If plotly requirement isn’t met, a SettingsError will be raised. Kaleido is not required for this operation.

Export figure

If the "figure" key in settings has an "export" key, according to this key’s value (dictionary) a corresponfing exportation will take place.

In case anything goes wrong during the exportation process, a FigureExportError will be raised.

plotly library is required for figure creation, and kaleido for exportation to image type only, as mentioned above.

export -> file_name

Each container will have it’s corresponding figure.

Each figure’s file name will be determined by the "file_name" key.

  • The file’s output name(s) will have the format

  • The file’s name(s) must be complying with the following regex:

  • If "file_name" key is omitted, the "file_name" value will default to "PlotlyGraph".

export -> path

Determined by the "path" key. A SettingsError wil be raised if:

  • "path" isn’t a valid, existing, absolute path of a directory (folder).

  • "path" is omitted or isn’t of type str.

export -> type = “html”

Determined by the "type" key value -> "html".

  • Enable exporation providing "html" value on "type" key.

  • Omitting the "format" key won’t raise a SettingsError, as the ".html" format is fixed.

  • "width" or "length" keys’ values won’t affect the process in any way, but will cause SettingsError if given with invalid values.

export -> type = “image”

Determined by the "type" key value -> "image" (“pdf”, “png”, “jpeg”, “webp”, “svg”).

  • If the "type" key’s value is "image", an image will be exported to the provided path.

  • Image exportation depends on kaleido package. If not present in environment, a SettingsError will be raised.

  • Omitting "format" will raise a SettingsError.

  • "format" can have any of the values ("pdf", "png", "jpeg", "webp", "svg").

  • "width" and "height" can be omitted, and a default 1700x1700px size will be given. If given, they must be positive integers, or a SettingsError will be raised.

  • If kaleido (version >= 0.2.1) isn’t found in execution environment, a SettingsError will be raised.

export -> format

It’s the file extension and is determined by the "format" key (“pdf”, “png”, “jpeg”, “webp”, “svg”).

If exportation is done to html type, format is unecessary to be provided, and if it is provided it won’t affect the operation or validation, since the format is standard .html extension. Also the kaleido library is not required.

If exportation is done to "image" type, the format must be given and be compatible with the choices mentioned in the settings parameter structure, or a SettingsError wil be raised. Also the kaleido library must be installed.


containers = {"container-id": {"W": 4, "L": 4}}
items = {
    "i-0": {"w": 1, "l": 1},
    "i-1": {"w": 2, "l": 1},
    "i-2": {"w": 1, "l": 1},
    "i-3": {"w": 4, "l": 2},
    "i-4": {"w": 2, "l": 2},
settings = {
    "figure": {
        "export": {
            "type": "html",
            "file_name": "example",
            "path": "C:\\Users\\alkiv\\Desktop\\",
p = HyperPack(items=items, containers=containers, settings=settings)

The exported file will have a file name example__container-id.html.

Overriding create_figure

The create_figure method can be overridden, and a custom figure implementation can be made with another package, using the solution structure attribute, as well as the containers and items attributes.